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by Barbara Manconi Smith


The Pursuit of Better

Health Life

B's vision

The goal of health should not be preventing death, rather learning how to live life to your full potential.
When we realize that the work we need to do is not the work to heal but rather the work to change, this is when healing can really happen.
My work is to guide you through this process.

Integrated Nutrition

Nutrition to be effective and for its effects to be long lasting must be supported by intentional and responsible emotional and spiritual work. Otherwise it's just another diet. And those we know, they never work.


Without elimination there can't be true detoxification. The Lymphatic Reset™ is a plant-based nutritional and educational program that strategically harness the power of food combining and targeted intermittent fasting to support the body's elimination and detoxification pathways. ​

>>Learn more


Balance PLUS™ is a 10 week lifestyle program that aims at supporting your shift toward a more balanced and centered life. 

>>Learn more


B Well Retreats:
Pause time and 
find your center

Every retreat is unique, and it is designed to enable healing and personal transformation - a process that begins at B Well Retreats and extends well beyond your leaving. 

Every retreat promises to give you the tools to free yourselves from what no longer serves you, whether a relationship, a condition, a habit, or a physical unbalance.


A 5 star sensorial adventure that will take you on a self discovery journey surrounded by the energy of the majestic Italian Dolomites (Unesco World Heritage site),  stunning accommodations, and a  top class culinary experience. This retreat will help you make sense of unresolved parts of yourself, behaviors, and pain that are hindering your health and wellbeing. >> Learn More


A 5 star immersive experience where yoga, meditation, mindful practice and nature interconnect. This is a chance to reconnect with yourself and discover the possibilities that lie under the surface >> Learn more


soul therapy

No food heals and wounds as much as the emotional one. The body is nothing but a mirror of our internal wellbeing. There isn't a physical unbalance that hasn't occurred at an emotional and spiritual level first. Soulcircle™ is a revolutionary approach to mental and emotional wellbeing at the intersection of psychological, trauma, cognitive behavioral and group therapy. And yet it is so much more >>

Body/Mind Detox
Chronic & Autoimmune Conditions
Health & Homeopathy
Trauma/Body connection

Specialized in


Understanding Detoxing

The ability to detox and eliminate toxicity (physical and emotional) is the single most important process responsible for health and longevity. Poor waste removal is an underestimated culprit of many chronic illnesses, who express themselves over time due to an unbalanced toxic built-up in the body: too many toxins in, not enough toxins out. The inability to eliminate toxicity is at the root cause of chronic illnesses.

Coming Up

Emotional detoxing enrolling now


Reservations now open for Dolomites 2025 Retreat


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